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ncIMPACT Top Tweets on Inclusive Economy

@uncsog professor Jonathan Morgan @sog_c … Read more

  1. @uncsog professor Jonathan Morgan @sog_ced provides great summary of work on #inclusive #economicdevelopment @IEDCtweets @EconomicPolicy @CenterOnBudget @AtlFedComDev @urbaninstitute @pewresearch @BrookingsInst @leagueofcities
  2. From @publicmediaNC & @uncsog Education is Key to #economicmobility & #inclusiveeconomy – with insights from @InmarInc @KateBReynolds @WSSURAMS about efforts in @ForsythCountyNC
  3. Building #socialcapital strengthens #inclusiveeconomy & #economicmobility efforts in @ForsythCountyNC according to @CityofWS @anita4nc @NCWorks_PTriad @PTRC_NC @KateBReynolds @davidsonccc @publicmediaNC @uncsog
  4. In 1940, 90% of children grew up to earn more than parents. Now that number is half. How can we best prepare children for #economicmobility and build #inclusiveeconomy? @anita4nc asks #community experts from @ForsythCountyNC @publicmediaNC @uncsog
  5. As defined by @RockefellerFdn, #inclusiveeconomy provides opportunities for broadly shared prosperity, especially for those facing greatest barriers to advancing well-being. 5 characteristics: #equity #participation #growth #Sustainability #stability
  6. In 2017 @BrookingsInst evaluated 100 largest #metropolitan areas along dimensions of #growth, #prosperity & #inclusion. See how @CityofWS @RaleighGov @greensborocity @CLTgov regions & others fared:
    @NCLeague @NCACC @Metromayors @LeadNC @uncsog @sog_ced
  7. Efforts to help #cities & #regions achieve #inclusiveeconomy need to recognize local differences as @berubea1 @BrookingsInst describes. 5 characteristics: #equity #participation #growth #Sustainability #stability
    @NCLeague @NCACC @uncsog @sog_ced
  8. @DukeSanford report describes #skillsgap challenge that must be overcome for #inclusiveeconomy. #Jobs go unfilled b/c employers can­’t find workers with right skills. #MiddleSkill jobs represent 56% of NC labor market @SkillsCoalition @LeadNC @uncsog

9. Consider using these #InclusiveEconomy #indicators to evaluate your #community @EverettProgram @USCDornsife @RockefellerFdn @NCLeague @NCACC @Metromayors @LeadNC @uncsog @sog_ced @NCRuralCenter @urbaninstitute

10. Which #strategy do you think would best support #youth & young adults in efforts to build #InclusiveEconomy?
@NCLeague @NCACC @Metromayors @LeadNC @uncsog @sog_ced @NCRuralCenter @emergingissues @myFutureNC @EducationNC #nced #ncpol @ncawdb @ncworkforce

Survey options:

  1. Improve job information available
  2. Provide high-demand skills training
  3. Increase work-based learning opportunities
  4. Invest in business ideas of youth


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