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Our Future Workforce: The Rise of New Business Models

November 28, 2017

Disruption in business is not new. We can all think of companies from our past that ceased to exist some time ago. Remember Kodak? What is different today is the pace of change. Established companies are here today and gone tomorrow. New companies appear today, and dominate the market tomorrow.

Our Future Workforce: Demographic Drivers

November 7, 2017

Our research at ncIMPACT suggests there are four primary drivers: demographics, disruptive technologies, new business models, and the rise of the individual.

Does Prekindergarten Push against the Curve of Community Change?

October 23, 2017

As with peers across the state and nation, these local leaders in North Carolina wanted to understand evidence about the opportunity for pre-K to change community metrics in grade-level reading, math and science scores, the social and emotional intelligence of youth, and workforce quality.