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Pre-K Expansion in Winston-Salem

ncIMPACT examines how Winston-Salem is increasing children’s access to Pre-K. Anita Brown-Graham hosts. Generous support is provided by UNC-School of Government and Civic Federal Credit Union.

On February 21, 2019, we hosted a Twitter chat on Pre-K Expansion in advance of the premier of our UNC-TV episode on the same topic.

Digital Extra 1:Training Quality Teachers

Ellen Peisner-Feinburg visits ncIMPACT to discuss the importance of early childhood education and training quality teachers w/ host Anita Brown-Graham. ncIMPACT is examining Forsyth County’s efforts to offer universal Pre-K classroom access to all children.

Digital Extra 2:Expanding North Carolina Pre-K

Don Martin discusses Forsyth’s County efforts to expand North Carolina’s Pre-K program w/ host Anita Brown-Graham.

Digital Extra 3:Emphasis on STEAM for Students

Forsyth County’s pre-K programs are partnering with business and philanthropic groups to offer universal pre-K program access to all children. The curriculum includes a strong emphasis on what educators call “STEAM” subjects.

Digital Extra 4:Need for Greater Investment

Tracy Zimmerman visits ncIMPACT to discuss the need for greater pre-K educational investments w/ host Anita Brown-Graham.

Additional Resources

The third episode of our new series on UNC-TV examines Pre-K expansion in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. It explores the importance of access to Pre-K and how it contributes to the success of children and teachers in the community. See below for additional resources on this topic.