Pre-K Expansion in Winston-Salem
ncIMPACT examines how Winston-Salem is increasing children’s access to Pre-K. Anita Brown-Graham hosts. Generous support is provided by UNC-School of Government and Civic Federal Credit Union.
On February 21, 2019, we hosted a Twitter chat on Pre-K Expansion in advance of the premier of our UNC-TV episode on the same topic.
Digital Extra 1:Training Quality Teachers
Ellen Peisner-Feinburg visits ncIMPACT to discuss the importance of early childhood education and training quality teachers w/ host Anita Brown-Graham. ncIMPACT is examining Forsyth County’s efforts to offer universal Pre-K classroom access to all children.
Digital Extra 2:Expanding North Carolina Pre-K
Don Martin discusses Forsyth’s County efforts to expand North Carolina’s Pre-K program w/ host Anita Brown-Graham.
Digital Extra 3:Emphasis on STEAM for Students
Forsyth County’s pre-K programs are partnering with business and philanthropic groups to offer universal pre-K program access to all children. The curriculum includes a strong emphasis on what educators call “STEAM” subjects.
Digital Extra 4:Need for Greater Investment
Tracy Zimmerman visits ncIMPACT to discuss the need for greater pre-K educational investments w/ host Anita Brown-Graham.
Additional Resources
The third episode of our new series on UNC-TV examines Pre-K expansion in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. It explores the importance of access to Pre-K and how it contributes to the success of children and teachers in the community. See below for additional resources on this topic.
- “Accountability and Testing Results.” 2017-2018 Data Results. Public Schools of North Carolina.
- Akin, Terry. “Investing in What Works – High Quality Pre-Kindergarten Education.” The News and Observer. May 2017.
- Ansell, Susan. Achievement Gap. Education Week. July 2011.
- Diffey, L., Parker, E., and Atchison, B. “State Pre-K Funding 2016-17 Fiscal Year: Trends and Opportunities.” Education Commission of the States. January 2017.
- Doran, Will. “Thousands of Families Will Get Help Paying for Child Care. So Why Are Advocates Raising Alarms?” The News and Observer. June 2018.
- “The Early Childhood Highlights.” Child Trends. May 2010.
- “The Early Childhood Landscape in North Carolina.” October 2017. The Hunt Institute.
- “Initiatives from Preschool to Third Grade.” Early Reading Primer. October 2014.
- Lesnick, J., Goerge, R., & Smithgall, C. A Longitudinal Analysis of Third-Grade Students in Chicago in 1996-97 and Their Educational Outcomes. Annie E. Casey Foundation. 2010.
- “A Look at the North Carolina General Assembly Budget Proposal.” NC Early Childhood Foundation. May 2018.
- “A Matter of Equity: Preschool in America.” U.S. Department of Education. April 2015.
- “North Carolina Profile.” National Institute for Early Education Research. May 2018.
- Osborne, Molly. “‘We Can’t Do This Alone:’ Takeaways from the NC Chamber Conference on Education.” EdNC. August 2018.
- Parker, E., Atchison, B., and Workman, E. “State Pre-K Funding for 2015-16 Fiscal Year: National Trends in State Preschool Funding.” Education Commission of the States. January 2016.
- Public Schools of North Carolina. “Report to the North Carolina Assembly.” State Board of Education Department of Public Institute. March 2018.
- “Quick Facts: Benefits of Pre-K.” Public Schools First NC. April 2018.
- Stancill, Jane. “Pre-K Expansion Has Bipartisan Support. But How Would NC Pay for It?” The News and Observer. February 2018.
- “Transforming Public Education: Pathway to a Pre-K-12 Future.” Pew Charitable Trust. September 2011.
- Weiland, C., & Yoshikawa, H. “Impacts of Prekindergarten Program on Children’s Mathematics, Language, Literacy, Executive Function, and Emotional Skills.” Child Development 84 (6), 2112-2130. December 2013.
- Yoshikawa, H. Weiland, C., Brooks-Gunn, C., Burchinal, M., Espinosa, L., Gormley, W., and Zaslow. M. “Investing in Our Future: The Evidence Base on Preschool Education. Society for Research in Child Development.” October 2013.