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Medicaid Expansion Workforce Report

The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS) and the North Carolina Department of Commerce released the Medicaid Expansion Workforce Report in December 2024. The report was generated in collaboration with key health, education, and workforce stakeholders as required by the North Carolina General Assembly, offering a multifaceted plan to support workforce development opportunities for Medicaid beneficiaries and the expansion of the healthcare workforce in our state.

Individuals who are newly eligible for Medicaid through the expansion are likely to be underemployed and without access to employer-sponsored healthcare. A collaboration between DHHS, Commerce, and other partners provides an opportunity for holistic support of individuals’ health and employment needs.

DHHS, Commerce, and partner agencies developed this robust plan and proposal to provide greater access to workforce services for Medicaid beneficiaries and to address North Carolina’s growing need for healthcare workers.

View Report

Methodology for Developing a Comprehensive Medicaid Workforce Plan

A core team consisting of the Department of Workforce Solutions (DWS) and DHHS leadership managed the plan-development process. The first deliverable—selecting a facilitator—was completed in May 2024 with the selection of the ncIMPACT Initiative.

Kick Off

The core team and the facilitator organized an in-person kick-off meeting on May 15, 2024, at the DHHS campus in Raleigh. Facilitated by Professor Anita Brown‐Graham of the ncIMPACT Initiative, the kick-off meeting served as an introductory and brainstorming session. The core team convened partner agencies required by the legislation (DOL, NCWorks, NCCCS, NC AHEC, DPI, UNC, hospital and healthcare providers licensed in the state, prepaid health plans, EDPNC, the NC Chamber, and local WDBs) and other community organizations with relevant experience, including the Department of Adult Correction (DAC) and NCICU. Together, the parties built the framework for developing a plan to provide Medicaid recipients with access to workforce development services. The kick-off meeting was a success, resulting in the creation of five subcommittees, the designation of a subcommittee lead for each one, and a proposed timeline to complete the comprehensive plan

Draft Report

The core team leads and the subcommittee leads met on September 19, 2024, to review each chapter provided by the subcommittees and an outline for the full report. The core leads and ncIMPACT leaders analyzed and synthesized the subcommittees’ final reports, recommendations, and budgets into the final comprehensive plan.

The ncIMPACT Team

  • Anita Brown-Graham
  • Abigail Holdsclaw
  • Jacob Hunter
  • Hallie Springer
  • Mary Gilbert
  • Shukria Alavi


Please see the References (page 50) and the Appendixes (pages 51-80) for further information and resources.