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myFutureNC Local Educational Attainment Collaboratives

Launched by ncIMPACT Initiative

2 Million by 2030 lapel pin

In 2018, the ncIMPACT Initiative at the UNC School of Government (ncIMPACT) and myFutureNC, with support from the John M. Belk Endowment, Dogwood Health Trust, and UNC Rural, launched a pilot program supporting 15 local educational attainment collaboratives across North Carolina, seeking to significantly increase the number of students successfully completing post-secondary credentials of value in the workforce: a degree, credential, or certification. These collaboratives offered an organized way to respond to community challenges that no single institution or even an entire sector can effectively tackle.


What We Accomplished

Find an executive summary of the myFutureNC Local Educational Attainment Collaboratives program along with a third-party evaluation report on our work. Dig deeper on local impact by reading individual team case study profiles, which include information about local partners, practices and outcomes, policies and other barriers, resource flows and sustainability, and mental models and power dynamics.


This effort was aligned with the state’s legislative goal of 2 million individuals between the ages of 25-44 who possess a high-quality credential or postsecondary degree by 2030.

Project Managers
myFutureNC Local Educational Attainment Collaboratives – Program Managers, pictured at the UNC School of Government



Our Reach


This project brought together 15 teams from 41 different counties across North Carolina. Teams were comprised of local schools and colleges, workforce development boards, non-profit organizations, and other efforts with aligned missions. Each collaboration formed with a new name, as shown in this map legend.

LEAC project teams Map

Team Audiograms



Learn More

ncIMPACT’s Anita Brown-Graham explains more about how the myFutureNC Local Educational Attainment Collaboratives work was conducted in this short video about “doing this differently.”



Contact Us

Anita Brown-Graham, Professor & Director,


This project is a collaboration between:


Funding for this work was provided by: