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The Arts as an Economic Engine Blog

June 30, 2023

The National Endowment for the Arts and the Bureau of Economic Analysis recently released data and analysis of the economic impact of the US arts and cultural sectors for the year 2021 on the country’s overall gross domestic product (GDP). The report notes that these sectors comprised 4.4% of the nation’s GDP with just over $1 trillion, and art industries employed nearly 4.9 million workers in 2021.

The Arts as an Economic Engine

April 21, 2023

There is a growing trend among communities to build what is called a creative economy, with the goal of building awareness about a town’s cultural assets and leveraging them to spur economic development. Learn how Stokes and Montgomery counties are … Read more

Reducing Maternal Health Disparities 

May 27, 2022

Data from the Kaiser Family Foundation indicates Black women are three times more likely to die from pregnancy or birth complications when compared to white women. Groups collaborating in Durham and the Sandhills region draw on community resources and programs to improve the health and wellbeing of Black mothers and their children. 

Maternal Health Disparities

March 4, 2022

  Cumberland, Hoke, Scotland, Richmond, Montgomery & Durham Counties Black mothers and babies are dying at disproportionate rates across the country. Numbers from the World Health Organization show that maternal mortality rates more than doubled in the US from 1990 … Read more