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Increasing Food Access Blog

June 29, 2023

Local leaders are working collaboratively to create a sustainable food system that benefits both the growers’ economics and consumers’ health. The partnerships around food access in local communities are creating templates for other communities to improve their food supply systems, enhance health outcomes, and boost their local economy.

Increasing Food Access

March 17, 2023

  It is estimated that more than 1 million North Carolinians live in food deserts. Food deserts are neighborhoods that have limited access to affordable and nutritious food. Access in many areas is now even more limited because of supply … Read more

Addressing Law Enforcement Labor Shortages 

May 16, 2022

During 2020-2021, resignations among police officers nationwide increased by 18% when compared to previous years. During the same period, retirements among officers increased by nearly 50%, while new officers hired decreased by 5%. Efforts around North Carolina to alleviate police staffing shortages focus on better preparing and training future officers and placing emphasis on the community service aspects of the position. 

Law Enforcement Shortage

February 18, 2022

Duplin & Watauga Counties Police departments across the U.S. are battling an officer shortage. Recruiters blame the hot job market and skepticism about law enforcement as a career choice. ncIMPACT highlights local solutions that are attracting qualified applicants to pursue … Read more

Youth Suicide Prevention (Blog)

March 4, 2021

In 2006, the suicide rate for children and youth in Watauga County was thirty percent higher than for the state of North Carolina. To address mental health concerns for students, Watauga High School partnered with Appalachian State University to establish High Country Help.

Youth Suicide Prevention

November 20, 2020

In 2018, 12% of adolescents in NC attempted suicide, with an even greater number expected to attempt suicide in the context of COVID-19. School closures and mandatory social distancing, coupled with stressful home environments, place adolescents with suicidal urges at significantly greater risk for suicide. Appalachian State University is partnering with seven schools and three counties to prevent suicides in Allegheny, Ashe, and Watauga Counties.

Join ncIMPACT Initiative Director Anita Brown-Graham as she explores related challenges and collaborative solutions with a panel of North Carolina experts.

– Anna Yaros, Research Clinical Psychologist at RTI
– Conor O’Neill, Medical Instructor at Duke University School of Medicine
– Dana Griffin, Associate Professor at UNC School of Education