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Spotlight on Anita Brown-Graham
10/03/18“There was no choice but to pivot and, on the spot, devise a constructive way to explore why people thought things were not better when the economy had been more robust and, more importantly, why they saw no prospects for progress. We went on to have a productive strategic visioning session and the community has made great strides in creating new economic engines.”
ContinuedTar Heel: Anita Brown-Graham Facilitates a Meeting of the Minds to Make NC a Better Place
07/02/16“Brown-Graham has the unique ability to bring diverse communities together to focus on and develop solutions for critical issues facing North Carolina,” says Randy Woodson, chancellor at N.C. State University, where the institute is based. Under her leadership, he says, the institute has “developed into an organization that continually improves the lives of citizens all across North Carolina.”
ContinuedCivil Liability of the Local Government and Its Officials and Employees
07/24/07“This article deals with two basic areas of liability: tort liability under North Carolina law and liability under federal law for violations of the Civil Rights Act of 1871. … These two kinds of claims are the most common ones brought against public servants and their employers. As covered in this article, the state and federal rules governing these claims determine whether a local government and its public servants may be required to pay damages to someone harmed by official action.”
ContinuedLocal Government Contracts with Nonprofit Organizations: Questions and Answers
10/01/01“In addition to answering the main questions about local governments’ contracts with nonprofits, this article includes several examples of issues related to providing assistance to specific types of nonprofits, including faith-based organizations. These examples are interspersed in the article in the “Assistance to …” sidebars (see pages 35–39).”
ContinuedWhen You Can’t Sue the State
07/24/00“Controversy over the meaning of federalism is not new. In the 1700s the nation’s founders heatedly debated the need to define and protect the position of states relative to the federal government. Throughout the 1800s Southern states repeatedly invoked states’ rights in an effort to preserve first slavery and then segregation. In the 1990s and into the year 2000, the Court has again revived debate about the fundamental nature of American federalism. Yet despite a perhaps valiant effort to develop a principled and workable doctrine, the Court has generated more questions than answers by its recent decisions.”