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ECSU Promotes Innovative Success in Students and Region

October 21, 2022

Northeastern North Carolina faces clear economic challenges, including a notable lag in employment growth.  Some unique assets are responding to the challenges in promising ways. The region’s Elizabeth City State University (ECSU) has several programs helping to prepare students for jobs that exist and create ones that do not. The university is ranked as the number one historically black college and university for economic mobility, partly because it is intentional about investing in its students in ways that promote the region.

Innovating Mental Health Supports

October 11, 2022

Since the COVID pandemic began, the nation has experienced rapid growth in the number of adults experiencing anxiety or depression. In early 2021, CDC surveys revealed that these symptoms had increased by about 27 percent since 2019. In the wake of this rise, more people are talking about the importance of mental health. This growing acceptance and greater transparency have helped pave the way for more innovative solutions from both the public and private sectors.